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Ou Zhuo Baodai: What customs do you understand during the Qingming Festival


Qingming Festival, also known as the Spring Festival or the Cold Food Festival, is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. It falls on April 4th or 5th of the Gregorian calendar every year and is a day to pay respects to the graves of ancestors and reminisce about their past. The Qingming Festival originated from the ancient Cold Food Festival and was held to commemorate the great patriotic king, Jie Zhitui. During his reign, he implemented the "Cold Food and Fire Prohibition" policy to protect the people from fire damage.
Qingming Festival has a long history and rich cultural connotations in China. On this day, people will go hiking in the mountains, pick wild vegetables, fly kites and other activities. At the same time, they will also offer sacrifices to their ancestors, sweep tombs, burn paper money, and express their longing for their loved ones.
Tomb sweeping is one of the most important activities during the Qingming Festival. People will go to their ancestors' cemeteries, clean them up, burn incense and offer flowers, and pray to their ancestors for the safety of their families and the prosperity of their children and grandchildren. In addition, burning paper money is also a traditional custom, and people believe that by burning paper money, their ancestors can receive enough money to live a happy life in the afterlife.
There are also special customs in some regions during the Qingming Festival, such as the Grass Man Festival in Jiangnan and dragon boat rowing in Zhejiang. Grass Man Festival is a unique folk activity in the Jiangnan region. People make grass men and burn them in the fields to pray for a bountiful harvest. Dragon boating is a traditional activity in Zhejiang Province. People will row dragon boats on Rivers and Lakes, and the winners of the competition will receive rich rewards.
Qingming Festival is an important festival for inheriting Chinese culture and also a time to promote the excellent traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. In this festival, we not only need to remember our ancestors, but also to inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, promote the spiritual style of the Chinese nation, let's take action together, express our admiration for our ancestors, and inherit the cultural essence of the Chinese nation.